SOD Program Renewal
Current subscriptions are set to expire on March 31. To ensure uninterrupted access, you must renew and pay the subscription fee by Monday April 1, 2024. The subscription portal will be open for ordering of packages from Friday March 1, 2024 onwards. Package details for 2024/25 including how to subscribe, subscription costs and payment methods can be found on the SOD packages and fees document.
Sale of Data Terms and Conditions Reminder
Sales Data is provided to the subscriber strictly for their organization’s use and may not be duplicated, transferred, or provided in any medium or format, in whole or in part, to any third party without the prior written consent of the LCBO. The prior written permission of the LCBO is required for any form of publication or distribution of the Sales Data or any part thereof. For additional information regarding terms and conditions please visit our Application Agreement under “Terms and Conditions”.
Program Updates
Set/Subset Hierarchy Changes
Each year the LCBO reviews, reclassifies and retires Sets and Subsets. The LCBO has made changes to the hierarchy with the addition of new subsets and retiring of previously existing set subsets. A summary of these set subset changes can be found on pages 3-5 of the SOD packages and fees document.
Ecommerce Sales Channel added
Please note the LCBO enhanced SOD data to better serve your analysis by breaking out ecommerce data into its own channel for data tracking purposes. This addition was implemented in October 2023. Additional information can be found on the SOD Data Field Update notice.
For additional information please visit the Sale of Data website. If you are new to the SOD program or you would like to add/remove users, fill out our access request form. If you are an existing subscriber you can renew your subscription by accessing the SOD subscription portal: (if you have an existing account but are unable to remember your login credentials please contact our IT support team for a password reset:
Questions regarding the SOD Program may be directed to