Key Program Changes & Updates

General Program Fee Update

Fees have been adjusted for the following programs not found in this document. More information on these may be found on

Wine Fridge  
Support Programs (LTO, Necktags, Value-Adds, Contests*)
*The cost to activate a contest in LCBO stores has been updated. As   of P1 FY25, Contest will be charged at a rate of $1,000 flat fee per product.
Vintages Paid Programs
Ontario Wine Programs

Program Consolidation with E-Commerce or External Advertising Opportunities

The following programs have been consolidated with existing e-commerce or advertising opportunities. As of Period 1 FY25, the following programs will be bundled with the noted displays.

 Bundled with
 End Aisles 2-9 and 11-20* Digital “Meta” Flyer Opportunity
 Block Piles A & B & C
 Beer Excitement Zone (21A, C & D) **
 Wines & Spirits Gifting Displays Gifting Digital Advertising Campaign
 Vintages Essentials on Offer End Aisle Paid Placement
 Entrance Table
 Cocktail of the Month (End Aisle 1)
 Local Beer & Cider Display (End Aisle 10) 
 Top Picks (RTD Impulse Display) 

*Excludes End Aisles 1/Cocktail of the Month and 10 Local Beer & Cider Display
**Excludes Beer Excitement Zone 21B

Spirits Cold Room Display

As of FY25, this display will rotate products seasonally.

Discover Our Community Program Update

The Discover Our Community program is being discontinued.

LCBO Employee Led In-store Tastings

The In-Store Tasting Program exists as an opportunity to engage customers and drive conversion in store of new and existing brands. Products that are participating in key displays and support programs are prioritized for receiving tasting spots in the allocation process. In FY24/25 we are planning for a system upgrade that will streamline the way we support the Trade through the Tasting Program process. As part of this change, we are looking to better highlight seasonal activity in the stores by providing the ability to focus on priority categories within the tasting program. Agents would have earlier access to premium tasting spots for specific tastings throughout the year. Stay tuned for more updates. Visit for more information on LCBO Employee Led Tastings.

Enhanced Tastings

Enhanced Activation and must be reviewed and approved in advance by the LCBO Manager of Customer Experience. Enhanced Activation requests should be submitted to at least nine (9) weeks prior to the first activation. Enhanced Activations include tasting enhancements such as celebrity appearances, bottle signings, bottle engravings and calligraphy, or an entertainment element; e.g. musicians, dancers. The maximum allowable footprint is 10’ x 10’. Programs to be executed in multiple locations should be scalable so that they may be accommodated within all desired stores. Visit for more information on Enhanced Tastings.

Accessing Participating Store Lists

We’ve added “How To” instructions on where to find and how to download and sort Participating Store Lists on! New/updated lists are added 4 weeks before the launch of each period. Refer to the Participating Store Lists section in the Appendix for details.