We are thrilled to help bring your product to life in our stores!
Help us make sure we are telling your story in a meaningful way by providing some interesting information via the Brand Story.
Your Brand Story will communicate your expectations to our team to ensure a consitent message across your tastings.
How to complete the Brand Story (Formerly called the Product Information Sheet)
Brand Story Intake Form
Please submit one form per product/SKU via email to instoretastings@lcbo.com with the subject line "Period __ Product #___ Brand Story
The timeline to submit is 4 weeks prior to the period starting.
For subsequent period tastings, please submit a new form as needed.
Brand Story best practices
Brand/product information should be focused and clearly state the top 3 messages that can be communicated to the customer at the tasting bar environment within 30 seconds. Additional product information resources can be included via internet links as an aid for employee research for example product websites or product review pages. Please note that some store computers may not have access to all websites due to firewall and security features.
Please include any relevant recent product accolades or scores that can be shared with customers and staff to highlight product quality.
Please include any relevant selling information that should be shared with the entire store team including current and upcoming promotions (Aeroplan Bonus Points, LTOs, VA, etc.).
Best Practice: Supplier/Agent Sales Representatives should visit the approved stores well in advance of the scheduled tasting to ensure staff have all the required product and tasting information and advise that the product is available for the store to order.
Please provide one key contact person’s phone and e-mail address should staff have additional questions.
LCBO stores will work to ensure your tasting products are in stock and ready for the tasting however in the event there is a supply issue, please provide your suggestions for alternative tasting products. A best practice would be to submit a separate Product Information Sheet for this SKU as well.
Product Serving Suggestions and Tasting Food pairing:
Due to food handling requirements, food pairings are no longer a part of regular in-store tastings.
For all SKUs being tasted, please indicate if they should be served chilled and if more than 1 product is being tasted what is the preferred order for the tasting.
For spirit products, serving suggestions must be clear (neat, over ice, mixed, in a cocktail, etc.)
For cocktails, preference is for well-balanced/well-tested recipes that can be prepared in batches with minimum ingredients and tools.
Pre-pouring is not permitted at tastings so cocktail styling and garnishes should be simple. Clear measurements in ounces are required along with clear step-by-step instructions. Best practice would be to include a link to a video with the recipe instructions.
For further information or clarification please contact instoretastings@lcbo.com