The first step to submitting your product for consideration is to review the current Product Needs Letter, also known as Open Calls.
An LCBO team member from each respective category decides what products are purchased for retail.
When you have reviewed the product needs letter, you can submit your product for review via the New Items Submission System (NISS). If you don't have access to this system you may apply for access via the Trade Access Request Program linked here.
- Once you have submitted your product in NISS it will be reviewed for;
- - Price
- - Value
- - Packaging
- - Marketing plans
- Quality
The review will include evaluation against the Canadian Regulations for Food Labelling as well as for compliance with LCBO Product Packaging Standards and Guidelines for Chemical Analysis. For more detailed information about Quality Assuance steps please visit the QA page HERE.
- If your new product is purchased, it is important that agents stay on top of their product’s performance. Since demand for shelf space is so high, products that are not selling to the published Annual Sales, Sell-through or negotiated Targets will be discontinued to make room for others. Let's work together to develop marketing programs that will draw consumer attention to new products and build lasting sales.