• • Price per point - $0.025
  • • Signage fee - $950 per offer (Coupon offers excluded)

Minimum & Maximum Bonus Point Offers

Retail PriceMinimum AmountMaximum Amount
Under $55  40  
$5.00 - $10.9510  85  
$11.00 - $14.9525  120  
$15.00 - $18.9530  150  
$19.00 - $23.9540  190  
$24.00 - $29.9550  240  
$30.00 -$35.9560  240  
$36.00 - $39.9575  285  
$40.00 - $44.9580  360  
$45.00 - $54.9590  440  
$55.00 - $59.95110  280  
$60.00 - $74.95120  600  
$75.00 - $89.95 150  720  

Bonus Offer Types

With the addition of new bonus offer types you have flexibility in how you chose to promote your product(s).

From the traditional full period, single SKU offer to the ability to provide solutions to customers with bundled offers such as build a bar or build a cocktail, to single SKU offers with flexible start and end dates enabling you to focus on a key time period, such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday, you have more choice over how your products are promoted.

MPTS Applied Offer Opportunity

 MPTS Applied
 Product Example Bonus Points
 Offer Example
 Total Bonus Earned Examples
 Period Long Single   SKU Offer
• Buy 1 unit of SKU A
• Buy 2 units of SKU A
100 points/unit • 100 points
•  200 points
 Bundled Pairs Offer
 MPTS Code: LD
• Two different SKUs participate with a bonus offer
• Customer must buy the pair of products to get the bonus.
• Use cases: Cocktail of the Month,
   Vintages Essentials Featured product pair
100 points/pair • Example: Bundled pair has a bonus offer of 100 points. If the customer:
     • Buys: A+A = 0 points
     • Buys: A+B = 100 points
     • Buys: A+A+B = 100 points
     • Buys: A+A+B+B = 200
 Loyalty Bundled   SKU Offers
 MPTS Code: LB
 • Minimum of two different products participate, no maximum number of products
 • Customer must buy a minimum of two different products
 • Bonus offer amounts are in increments of the same number of points
 • All products must be from the same Agent/Supplier
 • Use cases: Build your Bar, Build your 8 pack with flavors of RTDs
 100 points/SKU,
 minimum 2 different   (unique) SKUs
 • Example: There are 5 participating   products with a bonus offer of 100   points. So if a customer:
    • Buy A+A = no bonus
    • Buys A+B or B+C, etc = 200
    • Buys A+B+C = 300 point
    • Buys A+A+B = 200 points
 Aeroplan Bonus   Point + LTO
 Combination Offer
 *Each offer applied   separately in MPTS
 MPTS Code: LF* /   LTO
 • Buy 1 unit of SKU A $1.00 LTO + 50
 bonus points/unit
 • $1.00 LTO + 50 bonus points

*LF (dates are aligned with LTO dates for the period, first Monday of the period to the Sunday after the period end) + LTO

Excel Applied Offer Opportunities

 Excel Applied
 Product Example Bonus Points
 Offer Example
 Total Bonus Earned Examples

 Single SKU Offer
 (Flexible start & end   dates)

 MPTS Code: LF

 • Buy 1 unit of SKU A between
 Nov 24th and 26th
 250   points/unit  250 points

Coupon Offer**

 • Buy 1 unit of SKU A + hand in coupon with bar code (during the promotional period)

 The offer is in conjunction with Bonus Loyalty (Product   #XXXXX) for 10 points and the coupon bonus is for 10 points.

 Example 1: Product #XXXXX (Qty: 1) is purchased + Coupon   redeemed, the bonus is 20 points

 Example 2: Product #XXXXX (Qty:2) + Coupon redeemed; the   bonus is 30 points

 • The coupon is an overlay bonus offer for a product already on bonus in that period
 • Coupons can have flexible start and end dates though must align with the period that the product is on bonus
 • Supplier is responsible for printing of the coupons. Application will be made under an LCBO # for the offer coupon.
 • Customers must present their membership card and coupon to be scanned at point of sale in order to earn points.
 • Only the Coupon Bonus points are communicated on the coupon.

 Points: 10 




 TOTAL = 20   Bonus Points


 TOTAL = 30   Bonus Points

 Event Coupon   Offer** 
 MPTS Code: LE

 • Buy 1 unit of SKU A + hand in coupon with bar code (during the offer run dates)

 Example: Attend an in-store tasting event and receive a coupon for bonus points awarded with the purchase of the promoted product during the promotional time period (i.e. Nov 25 - 28). Customers must present the coupon to be scanned at point of sale in order to earn points.

 • The coupon is a bonus offer for a specific product that is not on bonus

 Coupon offer can have flexible start and end dates

 75   points/unit
 75 points

**Coupons can be distributed at Tastings in-store, external tastings or sent electronically or via mail enabling targeting Tasting events are required to be applied for separate from the Event Coupon offer application.

Supplier is responsible for printing of the coupons. Application will be made under an LCBO # for the offer coupon which is required to be scanned or manually entered at the POS with presentation of an Aeroplan membership card.